The Navigating and Direction Officers' Association website aims to promote the Association to as wide an audience as possible, encourage eligible officers to join the Association and, through the members area of the website, keep members informed of events and items of interest to them.

Welcome to the Navigating and Direction Officers' Association website, which I hope members and non-members alike will find informative.
The Navigating and Direction Officers' Association is of long standing and enables Navigating and Direction officers who qualified from Royal Navy courses to maintain contact with professional colleagues, comrades and friends.
The public pages contain a short history of the development of the branch, and the members section, accessed by a login, gives details of forthcoming events and news of specific interest to ND members.
I hope this website will strengthen the ties between both our members and with other associations and organisations, whilst at the same time increasing the ND Association's profile.
Navigating and Direction Officers'Association

Learn about the history of the Navigating and Direction Officers' Association.

Discover membership requirements and the enrollment form.

The latest Association news and events.